Life Lessons Learned from a Puppy

Kathy K
3 min readJan 22, 2023

Interview with Nova Aurora

Nova Aurora created by author on Midjourney

Hi readers and welcome to this interview with my mini Australian Shepherd puppy, Nova Aurora, nine months old yesterday.

The Interview:

Nova: Hey, why do we have to sit this long for a dumb interview? Let’s go play frisbee or wrestle! This is boring….I’m bored! This is boring…

Me: OK, OK, I get the point, you’re bored. Patience, little one, I just want to ask you a few questions, OK?

Nova: Well, OK, but I don’t have to be happy about it — dreams of open fields, birds, and frisbee.

Me: First question is what makes you the happiest? I see you happy when you play and eat and most of the time, really. But when are you at your happiest and why?

Nova: That’s easy. I’m happiest when I’m with you. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing as long as you’re there with me.

Me: Aw, that’s so sweet!

Nova snuggles up and gives me a kiss.

Me: Next question, and we’re almost done, just two more, OK?

Nova: OK! contentedly, happily

Me: I notice that when I’m about to take you for a walk that you get really excited and that during the walk you stay that way. What is it about walking that you love so…



Kathy K

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.